Saturday, August 2, 2008

Cixelysd! (Dsylexic)

So tonight seems to be a night for reunions. I first get an email from a college friend suggesting that we meet up for an alumni fund-raising function they are having in Maryland in September. We've been trying to get together for about a year now, ever since we discovered we were living less than an hour apart from each other. I do feel a bit homesick for some Hawaiian culture, so I thought the idea was wonderful.

While reading her email, I got a text message from another college friend asking if I was going to come see him baptize his daughter. A few text messages lead to a phone call, and quick discussion about the plans.

Somehow during all of this I had sent another email to a friend about a camping trip he was planning for August. He responded back, and actually called me before the email made it to my inbox. We talked for a good while about the trip. I decided to go ahead and book a ticket. For those of you out there who may be a little like me, don't book tickets late at night. I ended up booking the trip backwards! I refer you to Exhibit A of my rapidly progressing mental decline...

Notice I am leaving from Albany and flying to Baltimore, then flying from Baltimore back to Albany. Unless my stuff and I magically move between now and then, this flight does me no good. My brain must be taking a vacation early without me. If I'm like this at 32, imagine me at 72. Heaven help you all!

Mad props to Southwest for realizing that the customer IS NOT always right, and sometimes make bone-headed mistakes. They corrected my schedule for me at no additional charge. Go Southwest!

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